
  • Deposit: Action of depositing collateral assets into the RAMP protocol.

  • Withdraw: Action of withdrawal collateral assets from the RAMP protocol.

  • Mint: Action of borrowing rUSD using the deposited assets as collateral.

  • Repay: Action of repaying the borrowed rUSD (along with interest, if applicable).

  • Max Mint Capacity: The maximum rUSD that is mintable for any given asset, decided based on the asset's liquidity and trading volume in the secondary market.

  • Minimum Collateralization Ratio: The predefined minimum collateralization ratio at which assets can be collateralized for rUSD to ensure that rUSD is fully backed. The Minimum Collateralization Ratio is applied on the asset level, subject to the assets' available liquidity and trading volumes.

  • Liquidation Ratio: The predefined ratio where market value of staked assets against rUSD minted is sufficiently low such that the underlying assets are transferred out for liquidation by the protocol. The Liquidation Ratio is applied on the asset level, subject to the assets' available liquidity and trading volumes.

  • TVL: Total Value Locked. Measured by the gross market value of assets deposited into the protocol.

  • TVU: Total Value Unlocked. Measured by the volume of rUSD minted.

Last updated

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