BSC Loan Markets
Lending rUSD Liquidity
Users can opt to be a lender on the RAMP V2 platform by providing liquidity for the rUSD/BUSD pair on PancakeSwap.
Users earn lending yield in RAMP tokens for being an rUSD/BUSD liquidity provider.
Simply add liquidity using rUSD and BUSD on PancakeSwap here:
Then stake the rUSD/BUSD LP tokens into RAMP V2 to earn:
Note: rUSD/BUSD LP tokens cannot be collateralized for more rUSD.
Borrowing rUSD Liquidity
Users deposit any of the below assets as collateral and earn the supply APY.
Users can borrow rUSD using the collateral assets based on the respective collateralization ratios.
Users pay interest (ranges from zero to 10%) where applicable, based on the amount of rUSD borrowed against the collateral assets.
In most scenarios, the supply APY exceeds the interest payable, which allows users to continue earning net positive yields when they borrow at the same time.
Collateral Assets List
Collateral Asset
Earn Token
APY Source
Single Assets
LP Assets
Last updated
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